Abdullah M. Bakhshwin
ENERCOMP Technical Committee Member
Abdullah Bakhshwin has 10 years of experience varying in multiple sectors, as he was a TA&RA (teaching and research assistance) at the Catholic University of America, after that a direction driller with Baker Hughes, then an offshore facility engineer at Safaniyah Offshore Producing Department Aramco, then he covered as Shaybah producing oil production engineer at Shaybah producing Department, and finally a Nonmetallic Engineer with Consulting Services Department Aramco for 7 years.
Abdullah has several publications in the Nonmetallic Field from SHM using CNT fibers, to multiple publications on the advancement and studies in the Nonmetallic Engineering Aspects.
From the business perspective Abdullah is currently leading Aramco JV in Nonmetallic (Novel Nonmetallic Solution Company) as the shareholder representative and JV coordinator. Furthermore, Abdullah is also leading several R&D activities in the nonmetallic as a Technical Committee member in ENERCOMP KAUST. Finally, in an international presence, Abdullah is the chairman of AMPP (association of material performance and protection) Dhahran chapter (the largest international chapter) and is the secretary to the President of Nonmetallic Materials Association