Prof. Francisco Chinesta
ENERCOMP Scientific Advisory Committee Member
Francisco Chinesta is full Professor of computational physics at Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology (Paris, France), Honorary Fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France” – IUF- and Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. He is chief scientist of ESI group and president of its scientific committee.
He was (2008-2012) AIRBUS Group chair professor and since 2013 he was involved in many chairs (ESI, Keysight, RTE, SKF) on advanced modeling and simulation of materials, processes, structures and systems.
He is author of about 450 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 1200 contributions in conferences. He was president of the French association of computational mechanics (CSMA) for 8 years. He is at present president of the French Association of Mechanics, as well as director of the GdR I-GAIA on data and artificial intelligence based augmented engineering. He is editor and associate editor of about 10 international journals.
He is the director of the DESCARTES project on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence that the CNRS develops in its hub at Singapore (35 M€, 5 years and more than 160 researchers.)
He received many scientific awards, among them:
The IACM Fellow award
The IACM Zienkiewicz award (New York, 2018)
The ESAFORM award
He received many distinctions, among them:
The Academic Palms, the French Order of Merit
The Doctorate Honoris Causa at the University of Zaragoza, (Spain), 2018
The Silver Medal from the French CNRS, 2019